
Saints row 2 female character
Saints row 2 female character

saints row 2 female character

There was also a lingering sense of self-doubt. The game had been touted for its body diversity, and I had been looking forward to making myself. What are some of the thoughts and feelings that went through my head when I couldn’t create my body in Saints Row 4? Surprise, mostly. Not only can you create an obese criminal kingpin, but gender is a slider instead of having to pick from binary options as is the case in Saints Row 3 and 4. Saints Row 2 has one of the greatest character creators ever made fight me. It also doesn’t mean that my body type should be entirely erased from games. What was especially strange about it was that two games ago, in Saints Row 2, I could craft my perfect doppelgänger, outfit her in track pants and a black hoodie, and go on a rampage. Here’s the thing, though: My obesity doesn’t mean I deserve less respect, agency, or control over my own life. I’ve been obese since my depression started in high school, and once there, it’s hard to get back out again. This was my experience with the character creator in Saints Row 4. The body, however, just wasn’t fat enough. It had the color of my eyes and the shape of them. It has been republished here with permission. This piece was originally published on Medium.

Saints row 2 female character